Embarrassing Diversity

By Michael Arrington MS, MFT

Doctoral Candidate

🌍 Embracing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA): The Path to a Better Future! 🌈

Dear Community,

Today, I want to address an important topic that is close to my heart: DEIA work. For decades, I have been dedicated to championing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in education and beyond. It all began in the late '90s when I started teaching special education, and it has since become an integral part of my professional journey.

DEIA work strives to create equitable and inclusive environments where everyone, regardless of their background, can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives. It recognizes the value of diversity in fostering innovation, enhancing problem-solving, and promoting a harmonious society. It's about ensuring that every individual has equal opportunities and is treated with respect and dignity.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that not everyone is on board with DEIA initiatives. There are those who question or even oppose the work we do. Why is that? The reasons vary, but it's crucial to understand different perspectives to foster meaningful dialogue and bridge gaps.

One reason some may resist DEIA work is the fear of change. Change can be uncomfortable, challenging existing power structures and traditions. However, it's important to emphasize that DEIA is not about exclusion or taking away from anyone. It's about creating a more equitable and inclusive society for all, where everyone benefits from the richness of diversity.

Another reason people might oppose DEIA work is a lack of understanding or misinformation. It's our responsibility to educate, raise awareness, and showcase the positive impact DEIA efforts have on individuals and communities. By sharing stories, data, and personal experiences, we can help others see the value and importance of this work.

As someone who has been engaged in DEIA work for decades, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power it holds. It has created spaces where individuals with disabilities, students of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people from diverse backgrounds can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. It has fostered empathy, cultural understanding, and a sense of belonging.

So, let's continue our collective efforts to promote DEIA work. Let's challenge biases, dismantle barriers, and create inclusive cultures within our organizations, schools, and communities. Together, we can make a positive impact and shape a future where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss DEIA initiatives further, please feel free to reach out. Let's continue to build a more equitable and inclusive world, one step at a time.

#DEIA #EquityAndInclusion #DiversityMatters #InclusionMatters #Accessibility #TogetherWeCan


D.E.I. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Consulting

Michaels contributions have led to student successes. As of 2021 he has taken 112 high school students who lack of motivation, focus and credits to graduate, to incentivized and goal orientated students able to reach their academic potential. These 112 students are all set to graduate in the class of 2022. Eighty-one of the 112 students will be enrolled in community college and 4 directly to universities this fall. He also remains active in professional associations, frequently presenting research at the American Educational Research Association and the Critical Race Studies in Education Association. Michael also helped create a mental health unit for youth who were incarcerated in juvenile hall. This unit was designed to provide treatment to youth incarcerated that suffer from mental health issues, trauma, or suicidal ideations.