Proud Moment

 I’d like to introduce you to one of my students. I met Omayra in the 8th grade when she had to see me because of court-ordered anger management. She hated seeing me. She was angry and bitter, but I knew what she was going through, so I stuck with her. We went through COVID online and then to high school when we returned. This young lady is resilient, fearless, and one of my strongest people. I promised her in the 10th grade that if she trusted me, you would graduate and you will go to college. 

Along the way, she may have helped me as much as I’ve helped her. She is now set to graduate with honors, and she received the Principal’s Award (she maintained a 3.5 GPA or better through high school). She was accepted and will attend Cal Poly Pomona in the fall. Many call her my unofficially adopted daughter. She makes me proud every day. My former boss is smiling in her memory, and this young lady received a scholarship in her name. 

The Bridgette Ealy Love and Kindness Scholarship. It’s amazing when you plant a seed; what wonders a little water can do. It takes a village, and I’m proud to be part of her village

#payitforward #education #bebetternotbitter #educationalleadership #iamequity 


D.E.I. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Consulting

Michaels contributions have led to student successes. As of 2021 he has taken 112 high school students who lack of motivation, focus and credits to graduate, to incentivized and goal orientated students able to reach their academic potential. These 112 students are all set to graduate in the class of 2022. Eighty-one of the 112 students will be enrolled in community college and 4 directly to universities this fall. He also remains active in professional associations, frequently presenting research at the American Educational Research Association and the Critical Race Studies in Education Association. Michael also helped create a mental health unit for youth who were incarcerated in juvenile hall. This unit was designed to provide treatment to youth incarcerated that suffer from mental health issues, trauma, or suicidal ideations.